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Poy Sang Long Festival

If you’re visiting Chiang Mai this weekend the Go-Go bars are likely not the best place to go. Most of our friends who work in Chiang Mai’s commercial gay venues are Tai Yai refugees from the Shan State in South East Burma and today marks the start of a three day Tai festival of Poy Sang Long at which most of the bar hosts will be partying with their families late into the night!

Poy Sang Long
Poy Sang Long
Poy Sang Long
Poy Sang Long Festival

By tradition young Shan boys undergo a three day celebration following in the footsteps of Lord Buddha as little princes before being ordained as novice monks in the temple. The boys are dressed in magnificent multicoloured silk costumes, jewellery and make up then paraded around the temples and streets being carried on the shoulders of their father’s and relative’s.

Poy Sang Long Poy Sang Long
A little prince at Poy Sang Long

In Chiang Mai Poy Sang Long is held at the two main Tai Yai Wats: Wat Pao and Wat Ku Tao. During the festival there are many other parties and shows including traditional Shan music and dancing as well as Shan food traditional Shan clothes and merchandise too.

Wat Ku Tao
Wat Ku Tao

The festival is colourful and fun – well worth a visit!

  1. Note says:

    Frank has put some great photo’s taken yesterday on his blog see his slideshow with many colourful shots of the young princes.

    Nice work Frank – we hope you get the Camera fixed soon. Note xx

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