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Radchada Quick Reference Guide to Gay Chiang Mai

Radchada Cafe is please to announce releasing the latest edition of the Radchada Quick Reference Guide to Gay Chiang Mai

We received a lot of feedback from Chaing Mai’s gay venues that visitors often arrive looking for the place with printouts from the website in hand. To make it easier for visitors The Radchada Café Quick Reference List of Gay Venues is provided as and adobe PDF file you can download and print yourself. It can be printed onto a single sheet of A4 sized paper then neatly folded to fit your pocket. It lists all the venues in an easy format which includes addresses in Thai which you can show to a taxi or tuk-tuk driver.

Radchada Quick Ref guide V2
Radchada Quick Ref guide to Chiang Mai Gay Scene Version 2

Don’t forget to print it and take it with you when you visit Chiang Mai! We hope you find it useful.